Monday, December 1, 2014

Real Catalogs

There is something beautiful about a well designed catalog. How rarely do we get to hold these in our hands these days? I may be dating myself, but I remember pouring through the Delia's catalogs, marking everything I wanted and saving my money until I could afford them. I would hand the money to my mom in exchange for her credit card, which I would hold like it was gold, as I called the number in the back to order my precious clothing items. Weeks later the package would arrive at the post office and my coveted new clothes would be lovingly packaged and waiting for me.

Now I get impatient if it takes longer than a week to receive something I have ordered online, and most of the time I would rather drive to the store rather than wait even a day. I'm kind of enjoying the experience of leafing through my recently received Christmas selection. Maybe I can convince my mom to let me use her credit card again, just for old times sake.

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